DroneTech UAV has successfully demonstrated a fully automated, consistently safe, and precise package delivery on a moving platform.
Technology giants are making huge investments in their UAV package delivery programs, but for now, they have had limited success. For example, Amazon’s program, which started in 2013, announced earlier this year the design of a new drone. According to their statement, the drone can fly up to 15 miles and deliver packages under five pounds to customers in less than 30 minutes, although it's not clear at what development stage they are.
DroneTech’s Pelican, in its hybrid fixed-wing VTOL full-electric configuration, can deliver packages up to 11 pounds, and fly for 1.6 hours with a 42 kg (92 lb) Maximum

Takeoff Weight (MTOW). Compared with Amazon’s solution, the Pelican could complete three delivery trips with one battery charge. It can perform fully automated package deliveries in different modes, like a ground landing; a low-height drop from ashore to a moving ship, or in a ship-to-ship mode.
The Pelican is the most reliable, flexible, and practical UAV on the market. It has a twin-engine configuration with other redundant critical systems. It can be scaled up or down. It can be configured with electrical or gas engines. It can adapt optimally to different payload weight and size requirements, and it can perform all the take-off and landing modes, like: A.- Horizontal with up to 18 hours of flight time, B.- Vertical and, C.- Moving platform operation with up to 9 hours of flight time. It’s high wind resistant, proven at 27 knots, and it has a smart autopilot among other features.
These features, including the proprietary flight control software running on Embention’s Veronte autopilot, allows DroneTech to aim for a market share not only for the upcoming aerial package delivery but also for the human transportation segment in the e-VTOL Urban Air Mobility (UAM) market.